Giving Thanks

CANADA – Gratitude has been scientifically proven to increase positive emotions, improve sleep, make us feel more vibrant, kind and compassionate, and even strengthen our immune systems. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to put gratitude into action. Individually or as an office team, you can make this holiday special by delivering a festive dinner to neighbours in need or contributing to a meal offered by a charitable organization in your area.

The Union Gospel Mission in Winnipeg is expected to welcome up to 300 guests at its annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday, October 8th. This charity is accepting food donations including turkeys and requires a total of 25 volunteers who can spend a couple of hours greeting guests, plating food, etc. Contact Rosanne at 204-943-9904 ext. 226, or email

In metro Toronto, numerous groups serve free, hot meals, and welcome donations: the Scott Mission at 502 Spadina Ave., Weston King Neighbourhood Centre at 2017 Weston Rd., Church of the Holy Trinity at 19 Trinity Sq., Good Shepherd Ministries at 412 Queen St. E., Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto at 115 Simpson Ave., and Haven Toronto at 170 Jarvis Street.

The Regina Food Bank welcomes volunteers and donations including produce from your garden or farm. This organization feeds thousands of locals including 2,000 children through school programs. Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Regina hosts as many as 500 people at their Thanksgiving meal; visit to learn how you can contribute.

The Salvation Army provided 2.8 million free community meals to vulnerable men, women and children from across Canada last year. This organization has an incredible service network from friendly, small towns such as Pincher Creek, Alberta to major urban centres. The Salvation Army welcomes volunteers, accepts donations, and operates thrift stores to help fund community services and disaster response. 

Souls Harbour Rescue Mission in Halifax serves up to 400 guests at Thanksgiving. Feeding Others of Dartmouth (F.O.O.D.) Society provides hot, nutritious meals five days per week. Hope Cottage regularly has long lineups of guests for lunch and supper. These Halifax-area charities welcome donations of food and offers of assistance.

If you contribute to these Thanksgiving celebrations or other charitable projects,, please contact Sutton Spirit at or Share your news and inspire others!

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